SM City Cebu – Clowns


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Byahe Pilipinas, Cebu | Posted on 28-12-2011

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This post is a bit delayed because I have been very busy at work and some other personal matters, yet I would love to share to you guys about SM City Cebu’s fabulous Christmas decoration.

We all know that malls worldwide prepare the best decoration for each occasion and of course here in Cebu our very own SM City Cebu has its great decorations.

Aside from the Christmas Village of Hope (separate post) in which everybody in the City is talking about most people has taken for granted the different clowns placed in various parts of the mall (mostly hanged near elevators).

Christmas is such a joyous celebration it gave a sense of happiness to the old ones and the young. The clown as we know gave also happiness so it is just right to have the clowns around to bring more happiness to the season.




Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


Meet geemiz

Geezelle Maningo - A Cebu based travel blogger and the other half of GeeMiz Travel blog. She has been traveling around the Philippines and Asia since 2010 with her husband. A casual trekker/hiker since 2017 and has been blogging since 2008. A digital marketer during workdays and a bookworm on lazy days - she co-founded Cebu Book Club.

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