Travel Guide: Candijay, Bohol


Posted by geemiz | Posted in Bohol, Byahe Pilipinas | Posted on 18-04-2016

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You have been to Bohol and wanted to come back, but aside from the beach, you have nothing else to do.  Or you wanted to visit Bohol but feels like having atypical tour. How about taking the unusual Bohol tour in the southeastern part of the island. You can trek at The Alicia Panoramic Park or visit Candijay, Bohol a 4th class municipality and is 92km. away from Tagbilaran City.


A simple town with extravagant natural beauty is what I can say about Candijay. Did you know that the most picturesque rice terraces in Bohol can be found in Cadpdapan, Candijay, Bohol. I will give more details so read along.