Posted by geemiz | Posted in JPIA | Posted on 20-03-2011
Tags: Events & PR
The search for the Most Outstanding Regional Council recognizes the Regional Council that has performed its duties and served its members in providing its members an environment where one can harness his skills toward academic excellence and social awareness.
The search is open to all registered Regional Council of NFJPIA FY 2010-2011 who participated in the 13th MYC, 28th Annual National Convention and 2011 National Mock board.
The candidate must properly secure the following documents in hard copy:
- CD copy- Flash/Movie Presentation of no less than 2 minutes but no more than 5 minutes summarizing the activities of the Regional Council, its achievements, etc.
- Accomplishment Report. Comprising objectives, short description, information and evaluation/report regarding each activities and photos of each event.
Size: 8.5 x 11” (Short Bond Paper)
- Financial Statements for the Federation Year
- Photocopy of all corroborating evidences (certificates, medals, etc.) supporting all claims and assertions made in the bid.
- The Regional Council should have at least 12 registered participants in the 13th MYC and at least 10 registered participants in the 28th Annual National Convention.
Criteria for Judging:
NF Rating (10%)
Regional Council Achievements:(30%)
Academic Achievements 60%
Non-Academic Achievements 40%
Panelists’ Interview: (60%)
Leadership Promotion 20%
Social Responsibility 20%
Academic Function 35%
Non- Academic Function 25%
NF Rating gives credit to the Regional Council’s working relationship with the National Federation for the promotion and consummation of the NFJPIA activities and objectives. And also, the collaboration of the applying Regional Council during National Activities and how they actively participated. (The Regional Councils who had 100 registrants during the 2011 Mock Board and hosted any of the National Convention during the Federation Year will have a perfect rating).
Academic and Non-Academic Achievements will be based on the number of certificates (received during the Federation Year 2010-2011 only) submitted (in photocopy only). Only National Achievements (accounting or business related) and NFJPIA related contests will be recognized. There will be no limitations on the number of contests submitted as long as the National Council duly certifies it. The applying Regional Council who garnered the highest points will be the BASIS for transmuting the PERCENTAGE EQUIVALENT.
Awards received are given the following points:
Equivalent Points | |
1st place | 15 |
2nd place | 12 |
3rd place | 10 |
Participation | 8 |
Social Responsibility and Leadership Promotion recognizes the social awareness and acts of the Regional Councils for holistic social development of its community and as well as catering the leadership inclination of their members. It will be based on their involvements and activities conducted per se. Involvements refer to their active participations in the school, community and/or other social awareness activities of other organizations. NFJPIA wants to develop its members’ social conscience and responsibility and promote excellence in their community.
Academics and Non-Academics Function pertains to the activities they conducted in both fields during the federation year 2010-2011. It will be based on how successful these activities conducted and how it provided opportunity for the members to participate and develop their academic and non-academic competence. This also gives credit on the activities which are conducted dynamically and with diversity.
Evaluation will be conducted before the 28th Annual National Convention while the Interview will be conducted during the said event. All necessary documents must be sent one week prior the event.
The Regional President or any Regional Council Officer may represent the region during the interview. The Regional Council Representative/s will have a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to present its Academic and Non-Academic Achievements and Functions, Leadership Promotion and Social Responsibility.
Each scores or ratings in each criterion (NF Rating, Achievements and Interview) will be ranked from lowest to highest (e.g. the highest rating or score will be rank 1). The rank in each criterion will be multiplied to its corresponding percentage. Each product will be added to determine their final score.
The Five (5) Regional Councils who garnered the lowest score will be selected and four (ranks 2-5) of which will be the Outstanding Regional Council and the one who achieved the TOP spot will be the Most Outstanding Regional Council.
Three CONSECUTIVE years of achieving the Most Outstanding Regional Council will be given proper recognition by placing the Regional Council to the National Federation’s Hall of Fame.
You may also want to read about:
Year End Awards and General Guidelines
Most Outstanding Local Chapter President
Most Outstanding Local Chapter
Most Outstanding Regional Council President
We do not know you may be will our next outstanding JPIAn for the school year 2001 and 2012.
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